liberty cap mushrooms


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buy liberty cap mushrooms USA/Australia

For a good effect you should take the Liberty Caps on an empty stomach. You can chew the mushrooms and swallow them afterwards. The longer you chew, the better the psychoactive substances are absorbed by your body. Sadly it doesn’t taste too well.

dried liberty cap mushrooms/buy liberty cap mushrooms

For this reason you can also choose to make mushroom tea. Cut them into little pieces and steep them in hot water. It is important that the water does not boil, because this breaks down the psilocybin. You could put the teapot on a hot plate to let it steep as slowly as possible. Drink the tea, including the bits of mushroom. can you eat liberty cap mushrooms?

If you add some lemon juice to the mushroom tea, the psilocybin in the water is converted into psilocin. As stated above, it is psilocin which is responsible for the psychedelic effect. Lemon juice therefore ensures that your trip starts faster. As an additional advantage you will suffer less stomach liberty cap mushrooms

Psilocybe semilanceata  DOSAGE

Grown mushrooms are fairly constant when it comes to strength. Liberty caps are only found in nature which means the strength varies. The potency depends on the moment you receive them. Because the psilocybin is only produced under the skin, smaller mushrooms will be stronger than bigger versions (if they weigh the same.) For this reason you should at first try ten to fifteen and see what the effect is. In this way you can discover the right dosage for your next trip. However, realize that it will take a few weeks before you will experience the optimal effect again. You should therefore dry the Liberty caps, so you can enjoy them for a longer period

SIDE EFFECTS/liberty cap dried

The use of Liberty caps can result in stomach ache. As has been explained, this can partly be prevented by making mushroom tea and adding some lemon juice. Should you feel pain in your stomach, do not worry; generally it lasts for only half an hour. Furthermore you get slightly painful limbs. Your arms and legs will possibly feel heavier. If you take too much there is a chance you will get confused. In the worst case this results in a bad trip. But Liberty caps are really friendly compared to other mushrooms. Have you never tripped before? Then these are fine mushrooms to begin with.


14 grams, 28 grams, 7 grams

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